我们的招生团队随时指导您完成录取过程并提供帮助 answer any questions you might have. It's also just nice to have a friendly contact on campus! 所以请随时十大彩票平台,因为我们只是一个电话或电子邮件!
(478) 289-2169
Jennifer Fields
Director of Admissions
Why you chose EGSC: 我不想在人群中迷路,EGSC离家更近. Transferring 是一件轻而易举的事,现在我帮助其他人看到参加EGSC的好处 get their feet wet.
Advice to students: 去上课,交朋友,参与其中,利用你的资源,提出问题!
Fave spot on campus: Ezra Pond; it's nice to sit and watch the geese float by and hear all the sounds of campus.
Bonnie Nash
Assistant Director-Processing
Why you chose EGSC: I chose EGSC because of the community feeling. The smaller campus allows staff and faculty to get to know the students. I fully believe that EGSC is the perfect starting place for any student. 一所更大的大学可能会让人不知所措,作为一名学生,你 become lost in the crowd. At EGSC, that doesn’t happen.
Advice to students: 去上课,和你的教授交谈,尤其是我f you’re struggling! 没有什么问题是愚蠢的,所以如果你想 ask something, just ask!
Fave spot on campus: 图书馆——这是一个与朋友聚会或学习的好地方 完成了,它有很多资源供学生查阅!
Kaitlyn Reininger
Why you chose EGSC: 我选择EGSC是因为我正在寻找一个地方开始我的商业生涯 as I earn my Business Management Degree. EGSC has the most welcoming staff and I love having the opportunity to work in my hometown!
Advice to students: Seek help as soon as you need it! Do not hesitate to ask questions. There are so many 校园里友好的工作人员可以为你指出正确的方向. We all want to see you succeed! 也不要等到最后一分钟才完成作业. I learned the hard way!
Fave spot on campus: The Fulford Community Learning Center! I have visited there many times when I was 在高中不同类型的学习活动. I always had a great time and 我很享受和伊曼纽尔县所有学校一起参加活动!
Morgan Clifton
Dual Enrollment Coordinator
Why you chose EGSC: The campus has such a welcoming feel. You can tell that the people here (faculty, 教职员工、学生们都很想待在这里,也很享受在这里的时光. I also really value being close to home, and I live in beautiful Emanuel County. I feel like I can make a difference and I am excited to be here!
Advice to students: Don’t be afraid to speak up, in any situation. Communicating with professors, mentors, etc can help! 校园里有很多资源等着你,你只需要去接触 out. 享受你们在这里的时光,但要努力跟上你的学习进度,这样你 aren’t stressed.
Fave spot on campus: The Richard L. Brown Dining Hall has a great salad bar. I also love the view from the gym looking out onto the pond with the ducks.
Taryn Jackson
Why you chose EGSC: 我选择EGSC是因为它可以让我在离家近的地方工作,也可以获得有价值的工作 experience. 此外,作为一名以前的学生,我希望有机会与现在的和 为未来的学生提供EGSC所提供的一切,并在他们的学术之旅中提供帮助.
Advice to students: 当涉及到你不知道或不确定的事情时,不要把事情憋在心里 about. 总会有人愿意帮助你,让你走上正轨, you just have to be willing to ask. Also, always try to finish your homework early and never pull all-nighters studying for an exam. Your grades and health will suffer, so stay on top of all your work and pace yourself! You got this!
Fave spot on campus: The round table in the middle of the Rotunda. I know it's oddly specific, but I spent 作为一个学生,在午餐和休息时间和朋友们一起度过了很多时间,确实如此 associated with many positive memories for me.
Jessica Jones
Why you chose EGSC: Because of all the friendly faculty and staff here. They helped me tremendously during 所以我知道这将是一个很好的工作场所.
Advice to students: Don’t give up! 毕业时的成就感是你们应得的. You’ve got this, Bobcat!
Fave spot on campus: The game room! It is the perfect place if you want to feel like a kid again.
(912) 623-2400
Tifani Pool
Director of EGSC-Statesboro
Why you chose EGSC: 我选择在EGSC上学是因为学校在我的家乡,是的 我很小,我的一些朋友和我一起报名参加了我们的 high school graduation.
我选择回到EGSC工作,因为有机会 我想在我目前居住的城市,乔治亚州斯泰茨伯勒,为我的母校工作. 我觉得在EGSC工作对我来说是一个回归的“家”,我很享受重新联系 with many people from my hometown, both on & off campus in Swainsboro, since starting in October of last year. 我也从注册办公室搬到了egsc -斯泰茨伯勒 at Georgia Southern University. The move from one area of GSU's campus to another 很容易,我很高兴我能继续享受什么福利 佐治亚南方大学必须提供小型校园社区.
Advice to students: 永远不要放弃完成你的学位,即使在困难的时候 课程作业和考试都非常难,而且似乎看不到尽头. 如果你“坚持下去”,你最终不会后悔,你会得到一个奖品 你获得的学位是任何人都无法从你手中夺走的.
Fave spot on campus: 在斯温斯伯勒,是Dana Wright的办公室和Common Grounds咖啡店 Luck Gambrell Building. 在斯泰茨伯勒校区,这是前台区 ACE and my office.
Astraea Thigpen
Why you chose EGSC: I 选择EGSC是因为它让我想起了我在GMC的时光,那里有一个紧密联系的社区 较小的班级规模在帮助我成功获得副学士学位方面发挥了巨大作用 degree. As an EGSC employee, I 我也很幸运地为斯温斯伯勒和斯温斯伯勒的学生提供服务 以及斯泰茨伯勒校区,与他们分享 benefits are of attending a two-year school.
Advice to students: 平衡是关键,玩得开心,参与其中,交朋友,但不要失去注意力,工作 努力,问问题,了解所有可用的资源,但最重要的是 go to class!
Fave spot on campus: 当我在斯温斯伯勒校区工作时,我很想住在宿舍楼里 Halls, or the library. 现在我在斯泰茨伯勒校区工作,我很享受 front desk area, my office, and the ACE.
(706) 729-2187
Nickolas Kelch
Why you chose EGSC: 我是在与十大彩票游戏平台大学合作刚开始的时候来到EGSC的. I knew it 这将是一个令人兴奋的合作伙伴关系,为学生和社会带来巨大的利益吗.
Advice to students: Don't procrastinate! 认真对待每一节课,每一项作业,每一次互动 as serious as possible. These are the beginning steps to your future. Make the most of it. Have fun, but stay diligent to the task at hand.
Fave spot on campus: The Jaguar Student Activity Center (JSAC). You can grab a bite to eat, play the Xbox, 参加一个俱乐部或组织,坐在图书馆的自习室里,都在一栋楼里!
Catressa Wilson
Administrative Assistant
Why you chose EGSC: I was seeking new challenges and personal growth.
Advice to students: There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. Stay Focused.
Fave spot on campus: 艺术中心,我喜欢看有创意的艺术品.
Charlene Blankenship
Why you chose EGSC: 我想继续在一所小型的、以家庭为导向的大学工作. I enjoy the close-knit community we have here at EGSC.
Advice to prospective students: To work hard and you will be successful.
Fave spot on campus: 我喜欢在校园里的历史步道里散步. It is beautiful.
Faith Elliott
Why you chose EGSC: 因为他们对学生未来的承诺和大学的可及性
Advice to students: To always keep their heads up. 前面可能会有一些障碍,但不要气馁 因为总会有其他方法绕过这些障碍.
Fave spot on campus: The walking trail that surrounds the Augusta campus. There are always beautiful flowers throughout the year even when it is cold.